Wednesday 19 January 2011

Badger Flu

The plan was to wake up on Sunday morning nice and early to do a long ride on the MTB. The alarm went off at 6am and up I got. I felt a little groggy to say the least. Feeling very tired I reset my alarm for an hour later to see how I would feel later. (still with hope of getting an early ride in). I woke up later on and felt even worse. My whole body ached, I had swollen glands in my neck, a slight fever and a sore throat.
Ah great I thought. I'd only just had 18days off the bike in December due to a chest infection.
Four days later with as many packets of Lemsip Max Flu consumed I'm still no better. Three days off work and Four days of training missed. I think tomorrow I better get my ass to the doctor. Swine flu who knows? I'm sure there is nothing I can do other than do what I'm doing. Spending most of my day lying in bed feeling sorry for myself. Today was the first day I managed to watch a bit of TV. District 9 on Sky Movies. Thank God for Sky + as I paused it and went for a sleep for an hour half way through. It wasn't boring I just couldn't stay awake.
So to the doc's in the morning if they will see me and fingers crossed this doesn't go to my chest or I'll be out for another 2 weeks at least.

I've got some training to do. It was starting to come together well. On Sunday I had another 4hr Gorrick Brass Monkey event planned. Well that's not going to happen. Kettles on for the final Lemsip of the day. It's a Blackcurrant one. Ohh Nice

Oh and that film District 9. Wow bloody awesome. If you haven't seen it I think you should.

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