I didn't realise how much stuff I would have to get sorted for one race. I suppose it's more like 6 enduros in one. The amount of food I will be taking is stupid but I will be needing to get a lot down my neck if I am going to survive the 24hrs.
- 10 waterbottles
- Enough High5 4:1 Drink to fill those bottles plenty of times
- A tub of Accelerade 4:1 so I can have a change of drink
- Two sachets of High5 /source Xtreme drink
- 24 High5 Energy + gels
- 20 other gels Mix of all sorts
- Two packets of Biscuits
- 6 Powerbars
- A fruit cake
- A big bag of pasta to cook when I get home from work
- A bag of Haribos (opened so they might not make it)
Kit wise I have a hell of a lot
- Scott Scale 29r Pro HT bike
- Lapeirre X Control FS bike
- 1 spare set of 29in heels
- 1 spare set of 26in wheels
- 1 bike stand
- Spare tyres for the 26in wheels (Bonty XR1)
- Large bag of tools
- Exposure Diablo headlight
- Exposure MaXx D bike light
- Hope 4LED bike light (spare)
- Torch
- Lamp
- Track Pump
- Laptop
- 3 days worth of clothes
- 1 Skinsuit (always the optimist)
- 3 pairs of shorts
- 2 short sleeve jerseys
- 1 pair of Japanese school girl style compression socks (white)
- 6 pairs of socks
- This list is getting massive
- Lube
- Helmet
- 2 pairs of gloves
- A gortex Jacket
- 2 Gilets
- What have I missed?
- Garmin 705 GPS (It only lasts for about 14hrs) so + Charger
- 6 spare innertubes
- I'm sure I have missed something (please leave a comment if I have missed something I need)
- Oh a spare saddle (you never know)
Best of luck you crazy ass mofo!