OK my first Short XC race of the season. I've missed two rounds of the Welsh series but I wasn't going to miss the Black Park XC. This was my 1st race back mountain biking last year. I did it on a borrowed Giant Anthem which a collegue kindly let me have for a few weeks as my Lapierre was delayed a bit. Last year I punctured on the penultimate lap and due to having no spare tube I ran half a lap to get it fixed.
This year I thought I'd have some luck. The forcast in the week before was for rain on the weekend so I left my trusty Rocket Ron tyres on my race wheels. later in the week it became clear that the race was going to be a dry one. Black Park is really fast and I decided I'd use my fastest tyres. I had limited room in the car so it was one set of wheels that's it. Choose wisely! So the night before I put my Bontrager XR1 tyres on. They are not Tubeless ready but I have run them plenty of times with out innertubes. They are super light and super fast. Never had an issue with them. Confidence was high.
I loaded the car and drove to London the night before the race. Staying at my sister in laws not too far away. The morning of the race we had rain. No hope in Hell in getting my wife and kids out there if it was raining. So alone and a little late (I wanted to spend as much time with my children as possible) I headed to the race.
On arrival I set up my bike to find no air in my rear tyre. Wonderful! All I needed. No idea why today the seal had gone but normally fine. I borrowed Simon Ernest's (AW Cycles) track pump and pumped it up. All was good again.
I didn't really leave enough time to do a recce of the course so I did half of it. It felt pretty similar the the previous year. I was happy. On the start line ready we watched the Elite guys shoot off into the distance. 15s to go then off went the horn. The mass sprint for the 1st corner was a long one. I think it was about 700m. A Hell of a lot further than the previous year. One chap obviously didn't do any sort of recce as he turned from the right hand side to the left to try and join some single track we had used last year. I really thought he was going to take everyone out. We were lucky all he did was put himself dead last. I think I joined the single track in about 4th or 5th place.
It took all of about a 3rd of a lap for me to start struggling with the pace through the twisty stuff. I must learn to ride a bike a bit better. I had a few chaps asking if they could have a go as I was leaving gaps. I let them past and tried to hang on to them. Most riders probaly don't think the Black Park race is technical but for me it is.
On the the thrid lap I was getting the flow of the course right and I felt like I was quick. Then on one corners I heard a burp noise from my rear tyre. It had gone down a bit and released a load of air under pressure on the side wall. Disaster! I stopped to make sure it was OK and it seemed a bit flat but OK. What I should have done here is put a tube in it. At this very momment. A lap later at pretty much the same place even though I cornered a little slower it burped again. I continiued a bit and it burped again. I stopped and filled the tyre with that Zefal foam. Jobs a good un. It was firm.
All this time I was faffing with my rear whel all the riders I had dropped had caught me up again and the leaders of the Vets race that started off 2 mins behind us were catching. One familiar face from road racing caught up with me Paul Crook of West Drayton MTB Club. I found that I could stay with him around the course and we seemed to be well matched. On the road though Paul would rip my legs off but off road we seemed more equal. Coming round to start our 2nd lap together I heard Jody Crawforth two more of the Elites thundering down the singletrack towards us. I let them past straight away as you do. I didn't want to hold them up at all. Finishing the lap we were back on the firetrack. I powered up the fireroad like a typical roadie trying to make up for what was lost on the singletrack. Simon Ernest popped from be hind me to join on the group of Elites. The pace they were doing on the firetrack was slower than I expected. I stayed behind them know that the moment the singletrack arrived they would be gone. Surely the moment we had rounded two or three tight corners in the trees the speed and class of the Elite guys showed. that's why I ride as a Master.
Must have been only 15 seconds or so later 2010 Masters Champ and now back to Elite Scott Forbes shot past. Looked like he was closing down on the group ahead. A few more corners and It was juist back to me and Paul Crook. Half a lap later my rear tyre burped out a shit load of air again on a corner and went totally flat in one go. I had to stop and push some more foam and CO2 in. I took my time as the valve wasn't palying ball with me and I squirted foam all over myself. I wanted to finish so I needed it to work.
As before the group of Masters in my race were catching up again as I'd stopped. I soon dropped them and finished the lap and the race. Coming accross the line I was told I was 27th. Hands on head "How the hell?" I totally believed somehow I was 27th. Moments later as I was warming down. "Sorry Jason you were 12th" That was more like it. With out my silly issues I'd like to think I'd have got around 6th. Turned out I was 13th. Not my best performance but I've not been back on th bike long. I did my second race of the season. I'll just take the miles on the bike right now.
So don't change your kit just befroe the race, don't turn up late & do pre-ride the course if you are technically crap.
Typically 4 days later my bloody rear tyre has sealed well from the last bit of foam and still has around 30psi in it.